Colin Grainger

Posts Tagged "Communities"

Check out all of the posts tagged with "Communities".

How pubs gave communities their soul – and a barrel of laughs and memories

The pub beano, this one from the Prince of Wales pub, Custom House, a tradition that helped you make friends for life   They are – still ­- the heartbeat of communities. But these key […]

Apr, 04

A special kind of giving as Toy Appeal spreads Christmas joy

EVERY year for the last 38 years I have been part of a campaign in the community in East London to help with a very special appeal to spread come much needed joy to under-privileged […]

Dec, 24

Clampdown on waste in front gardens of Newham homes a success

Almost 1,500 clearance notices have been issued by Newham Council enforcement officers in the past six months to tackle the scourge of front garden waste in the borough. In each case, the residents were given […]

Oct, 09

Olympic Legacy: Time to payback the goodwill and support

    We need to get on with the job of transforming the lives of local people if the Olympic Legacy is to be achieved. Now is time to pay that back the support and […]

Jun, 07

Legacy: Two more decades of commitment still to come

  Picture: Colin Grainger Securing the Olympic legacy remains a challenge for current and future generations in East London. Here’s the latest in a series of  special features examining the situation from a number of perspectives.  […]

May, 08

Rejuvenation of Newham will continue as we face our future

It is now more than seven months since the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games in Stratford when the eyes and ears of the world were upon us. For a special period in all our […]

May, 06

Resilience key to transforming lives and communities

Resilience is the key to transforming lives and communities, the Mayor of Newham said this week. Addressing a major event organised by leading national think tank the Young Foundation, Sir Robin Wales said resilience was […]

Mar, 21


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